Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Mooooo-velous 2nd birthday....

We had a great (and big) 2nd birthday party for Olivia last weekend. She isn't much into any TV characters or anything like that so in thinking about a theme, I just thought to myself, "What does she like the most in the world right now?" Cows! It was the natural answer. She looks for them out the window everytime we get in the car so I did lots of internet searching to find all of the party plates, balloons, favors, etc. with cow prints. I even painted a few of them to put around the yard. (I included a few pictures of that stuff on the bottom of the blog that aren't along the left side.) We had 55 people here. It was way too much but very fun.

We just had our 2 year appt at the doctor and that went VERY well. First of all, she is now in the 80th% percentile for height which is a huge jump from her ealier appts. Her weight is in the 44th% so she is going to be tall and thin like her mother used to be. The doctor went through his usual list of tasks that she should be able to do and she breezed through those with flying colors. Then he asked about a few things that she probably is not doing yet and it went a little like this:

(Dr.) "Is she saying lots of words yet?" (Me) "Whole sentences and conversations with you."
(Dr.) "Can she use pronouns like I, You, etc.?" (Me) "Yes." (Dr.) "Hmmm." (Dr.) "She doesn't know her colors yet, right?" (Me) "Yes, she knows all of the basic colors, maybe 8-10 of them." (Dr.) "That's a 3 year old task." "She doesn't count yet, does she?" (Me) "Well, she can count to 11 but that's it." (Dr.) "Really? That's a 3 year old task." "She doesn't know the alphabet though, right?" (Me) "Well, not in order like to sing it. But she knows all of the letters if you show her one and ask her what it is." (Dr.) "Wow, that's a 4 year old task." "We usually do the screening for autism at this visit but I think it's safe to skip that with her." It made me very proud!

She loves being in the pool. She has become fearless when it comes to standing on the edge, laughing with excitement and then diving into Mommy or Daddy's arms. We love it. It's a little scary though so we signed her up for swim lessons that start in mid-September. She continues to love jumping on anything... bed, couch, floor. She loves to take pictures and actually got 2 of her own cameras for her birthday. Mike got up from bed one morning to go to the bathroom. When he opened the door to come out, Olivia was right there waiting and quickly said, "Cheese, Daddy!" and flashed it in his face. There aren't a lot of heads in her shots but she's just getting used to her new equipment. I'll have to share some of those pics when we download them onto the computer.

Some favorite phrases are currently...."How are you Mommy? (I'm fine, thank you. How are you, sweetheart?) I'm fine." She will ask over and over again. She is using "Excuse me" alot. "I almost tripped." "Be careful" And many more but like I told the doctor, it's just turning into normal conversation now. She has her 2nd trip down the aisle this weekend for my cousin, Diana's wedding. We're very excited but she has come down with a cold today. Maybe just be a reaction to the flu shot from Monday but this is becoming a bad, wedding habit for her. Keep your fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

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