Tuesday, February 24, 2009

18 months old...

We had our 18 month check-up at the doctor's yesterday and it went very well. Olivia is 22 lbs 11oz which is in the 25th % and she is 32 in tall which is 60th%. She has met all of her developmental milestones and (spoken like a mother) actually met them several months ago. Based on what we were telling the doctor about what she has been doing lately, he gave us one stern warning. If we plan on having any other kids, they will NOT be like Olivia. She is just too perfect. Oh sure, that last sentence wasn't a direct quote but he did want to make sure that we knew that she was not a typical 18 mos old.

She had a little cold the last couple of days so we haven't done anything too exciting to share but today she had had enough of being in the house. She got her shoes out from her closet, did her best to put them on, got her coat off it's hook in the closet and put it on (just one sleeve and upside down), and patted her head to tell me to get her hat. She was going outside, with or without me. We can really tell that her speech is about to take off. She has really started using "Mommy" and "Daddy" a lot and she has recently added "Babi" and "Didi". Oh, and she loves to say "Bye" when someone is leaving or when she is leaving the room or when you flush a bug down the toilet. She has a lunch with friends this Thursday and dinner with a different group of friends this Friday so I should have some good stories and pictures for you after that.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Time for a tu-tu!

It warms my heart to share that Olivia has been walking around the house a lot on her tip toes. I'm going to start saving now for those dance lessons. She is definitely drawn to music. She loves to dance and her foot stomping is usually pretty darn close to being on the beat. In another example of "Like mother, like daughter", she also beats her little fist on her chest after she burps or coughs. It's amazing (and a little scary) how much a child picks up from you without you thinking about what you're doing. She is still working hard to form real words. She currently has her own partial words for "bug", "apple", and "bird" among others.

I've been a little behind with my postings but I'll try to be better about this. I must say, comments that are left definitely motivate me to get my butt in gear. It also let's me know that my husband isn't the only one to read these. So c'mon people!!!! Give me some feedback, would ya?!