Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quick note about the blog..

Just wanted to mention that I've heard from lots of people that the pictures are so small that they wish they could click on them to see them bigger. Well, you can't do that and I can't do anything about the size of the pictures because of the setup that I chose. However, everytime I add pictures, I will add those same pictures to the bottom of the blog too where they are MUCH bigger. You have to scroll quite a ways down to see them. When I add a new entry though, I plan on deleting the old pictures and swapping them out with the newest ones so you better be keeping up if you hope to see those big pictures at the bottom. Hope that helps!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our professional flower girl...

Although Olivia looked absolutely adorable in her Easter dress, I have very unimpressive pictures to share. I'm hoping someone else will send some to me and I'll pass them along. We were all fighting off a 2nd round of cold/cough stuff so with the cold temps outside, we really didn't have an egg hunt either. But it was nice to be with so much family. Because of the passing of my grandfather, Olivia's Uncle Marc and Uncle Greg flew in for a couple of days as well and she really seemed to like their silliness. Probably the most exciting thing though was Olivia being asked to be a flower girl for her 2nd wedding this summer!!! My cousin JoAnna is getting married in June and we're very excited that Olivia will be helping her down the aisle.

Olivia continues to surprise us with a new word everyday. So far, she has the following under her belt: Mommy, Daddy, Babi (Ukrainian for Grandma), Didi (Ukr. for Grandpa), Nanny, Pop Pop, yes, no, milk, jeans, bunny, book, boogie, baby, hat, peas, water, juice, up, out, shoe, boy, girl, away, bus, off, bubble, cheese, hotdog, monkey, sticker....I feel like I'm forgetting some but those are the ones that we hear pretty regularly. And she's so close to a ton of other words. Oh, it's so fun!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hockey and a Hair Cut....

OK, OK....I will post my entries more regularly. I'm getting a lot of slack from some people but that's good. At least I know you're reading.

This is SUCH an awesome age! Olivia is so much fun. She just loves to be tickled, walk around with her hands in her pockets and be just plain silly. Her vocabulary is growing and growing every day. It is so crazy to hear it. She can even tell long stories. She will tell you, "Clop, clop, clop....Big...(stomps floor)....away." Translation: "I saw a horse (with a buggy) at the grocery store yesterday. It was a big horse. He went like this with his foot. Then he went away and went home."

We took Olivia to her first Bears hockey game. I was hoping that she would at least stay put for the first period so I could watch. However, I am happy to share that we got to see the entire game. I kid you not. She just hung out and people watched, or she enjoyed her hot dog and popcorn or she played with her friends who were also with us. But she was totally content to be in her seat area for 3 periods of play. She even clapped when she heard everyone else clap, which wasn't all too often in the 1-0 loss. Her highpoint was probably meeting Coco the Bear while we walked around the concourse between periods. Although repeating the words "Hot dog" over and over again came in a close 2nd.

She got her first official haircut last week too. I snipped her bangs when she was tiny but this was her official "professional" haircut. She was perfect, perhaps a little confused about why she was sitting in that chair with a cape around her neck, but she just sat and watched and waited for the girl to finish. Don't worry, she will have long hair to put in ponytails but we just had to even up the back since it grew in at different lengths.

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter and we'll be sure to post some egg hunt pictures.