Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Flower Girl Summer Tour continues....

So Olivia had her second run at being a flower girl for Diana's wedding at the end of August and she did even better then before, if that's possible. She actually wore the ring of flowers around her head this time and she partied hard at the reception until 10pm when her mean Mommy and Daddy made her go back to the room to go to bed. She had an absolute blast though. On a side note, on our drive home from the wedding, we saw an RV and pulled over to check it out since we had been casually looking for one for years. We ended up buying it later that week and Olivia absolutely loves that too. She calls it Gus, as in Gus the Bus because she sees it as a bus rather then an RV.

Olivia just started swimming lessons through our township. She LOVED her first lesson the other night. Most of the kids are holding tightly onto their parents' necks and just sort of sitting in their arms. But not Olivia! She is pushing away so that she can kick and move and splash. I'm very happy we signed her up.

She is just talking like crazy. She loves to ask questions already. (I thought that came later.) She is nosey like her Mommy. She says, "What cha doing, Mommy?" "What chu eating, Daddy?" "You drinking beer, Daddy?" "What chu have in your bag, Mommy?" Some phrases need some tweeking but she seems to be able to say anything she wants to to get her point across. I told her it might rain today and she said, "I hope so not." She was calling me to her crib the other night when we put her down and when I finally got there (obviously not fast enough for her) she said, "I no idea where are you?"

She has a great imagination. She loves to pretend she is holding different baby animals and asks me to pet them. She likes to play the ol' "which hand is it in?" when she is eating something small. Of course she holds forward the hand that she wants you to pick which is the empty hand but it's my job to play along so I do.

I promise to be better about this blog for all of you who have been breathing down my neck.