Thursday, June 10, 2010

Olivia's a Big Sister...finally!

I know you all know this already but our 2nd little one is finally here! Natalie Rae was born on May 14 around 1:35 pm at a whopping 9 lbs and 11 oz. I will not get into the details but let's just say that I am NOT a big fan of labor or delivery. But all is well now and we are adjusting to life as a family of 4 now. Olivia is doing SO well with having someone else around in her space. She absolutely loves Natalie and hugs her all the time. She always says, "I'll talk to her and you say the words." Meaning, she wants me to pretend that Natalie is speaking back to her when Olivia talks to her. Their car seats are right next to each other and the other day in the car, Olivia leaned over and said in a sweet, sweet voice, "Hi there, Bright Eyes." Natalie is a little colicky and while Mike and I want to pull our hair out sometimes, Olivia just takes it in stride. The little bit of frustration that she does have with the crying, she exhibits in very subtle ways. Like in the car, if Natalie starts crying, Olivia just leans over and pulls Natalie's sun canopy down over her.

Aside from the colic, Natalie is doing very well. She just had her 1 mos appt and she is in the 97th% for height. So she is going to have her Mommy's height but her Daddy's face. She is sleeping so well for us. It's amazing how much more tired I was with just one. Yes, experience helps but being 41 weeks is just so different then being 36 weeks. Natalie was just much more ready to join the world then Olivia was. She sleeps 5 and 1/2 hours at night for us regularly and even slept 6 and 1/2 hours the other night.

Although Olivia is doing well with Natalie around, she is definitely hitting some Terrible Two patches. I thought we were going to make it out of the twos without seeing it but no such luck. I guess we're just lucky that she is putting us through it and not Natalie. If this is a sign of things to come, we better watch our backs because they are going to be partners in crime around here. I'll load you up with pictures this time and don't forget to check out the enlarged versions with better detail at the bottom of the blog. I'll leave them there until I update again.


  1. Thanks for the update, Steph. I love the pictures!


  2. The picture of Olivia in her tutu and t-shirt is too funny! Glad to hear you are all doing well!
